Established in 2005, Foodtrust enables food to be supplied to those undergoing financial hardship.

We have tinned, packaged, frozen foods and other supermarket items as supplied to us by Foodbank Queensland. Fresh fruit and vegetables are available on occasions.

To access Foodtrust, it is necessary to show a current Commonwealth Pension or Health Care Card.

Donations are always welcome and enable us to continue this service.

Opening Hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday                             10.00am – 2.00pm


All profits from Foodtrust are used to support our Brekky Club program

Cheques and Money Orders can be sent to
“Crossbearers Foodbank Gift A/c”
P.O. Box 971, Slacks Creek Qld 4127

Direct debits can be arranged for regular donations.


Logan has a population of over 305,000, of which 32% live below the poverty line. We have an unemployment level of 9%. We have over 217 nationalities here, many of whom are refugees. It is one of the greatest disadvantaged areas of Queensland. (Commonwealth Census)